
The plan

MMCC Family-
Welcome to our New Testament Blog. During 2009, as a church community, we are going to read through the Greek Scriptures (the New Testament). One of the ways we can better follow Jesus is to know what He said, what He did and how the early followers understood His message in their community. We will post the reading plan on our website and on this site. Each week, one of our pastors will blog a time or two about that week's reading. Feel free to respond, ask questions, add some info, etc. This is a community journey and will be enhanced by your participation. 

So that we remain focused, a few guidelines are probably needed.
1. Don't attack someone else or their opinions. We can respectfully and lovingly disagree without being divisive.
2. Keep the Bible central. We'll pull in some other sources, but we must let the Bible speak for itself. 
3. Exercise what you read. In other words, live it out. Our understanding will increase as we allow the scriptures to shape and change us.

We are so glad you are along for the journey. May we all be changed by these ancient words.

Matt Anderson
Lead Pastor
McDowell Mountain Community Church