

What's your favorite verse from Philippians? Why?


  1. Probably 1:6 because I love the fact that He takes responsibility for our progress. We just focus on plugging into Him and like a branch clinging to the vine the life flows through and fruit is produced.

  2. as I read this book for the first time several years ago, and met Sara Groves in the same time frame, we shared the same favorite verse Philippians 3:13-14. as I re-read the book this week, and as I face a storm, Phil. 1:27-30 speaks to me. Paul suffered, Christ suffered, God's people sometimes suffer. I am once again reminded that i am not alone, i need not be afraid. i will stand and not be frightened. i am saved by grace no matter what happens.

  3. Verses 4-7 of Philippians 4 have always struck me as powerful, if even at first glance at the very surface. Although I expect that verse 6 ranks among the most popular of the Book, there has always appeared to be three distinctive, and as such appearing separate and unrelated exhortations. However when I read more carefully, engaged in some study and looked at the scholarly treatises, there is a clear and resounding connectedness. Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again: Rejoice! Pretty clear, I would say from the repetitive exclamation of exhorting us to take joy in the Lord, which as a believer means take joy everyday and more so every minute of every day! Followed by: “Let your gentleness/moderation/forbearance/sweetness of temper (to name a few of the meanings attaching to the various translations) be evident to all. The connection? Let your behavior, derived from your “joy in the Lord” permeate all of your relationships/interactions with others. It is clear that a disposition filled with “the joy of the Lord” is one that overwhelms your demeanor, your countenance and the manner in which you respond/react to people. This is followed by the exhortation to not be troubled by the cares of the world (do not be anxious about anything!), so as to distrust God and His provision, and His desire to see us experience joy in Him. Trust and faith in Jesus Christ begets a life reliant on Him which should, in fact alleviate our concerns and cares about what is going on around us. This does not allow us to abdicate our responsibilities to be diligent in caring for our families (work) and our familial responsibilities but rather you cast the stress and distress upon the Lord. Finally, the payoff in verse 7, if we rejoice (i.e. take joy) in the Lord, let that joy permeate our heart so as to change our behavior (i.e. gentleness), let that take hold so as to not be distressed by the surrounding worldly influences, we will fully assimilate the peace that passes all understanding, which will bolster us and protect us. Favorite scripture…. Could not pick one of these 4, but the whole package is powerful for me!
