This morning, I read some thoughts from Seth Godin on 'the hidden power of gifts.' There are some great thoughts about giving and receiving. Read his thoughts here:
Seth Godin: The Hidden Power of Gifts
This raises some great questions. Here are a few that jumped out at me:
- Am I truly giving a gift or am I simply exercising my power over someone?
- Is it a gift if I still control how it is used? (a lesson i am learning with my kiddos)
- If I am expecting a return on my gift is it better called an investment?
- If a gift with strings attached is control or marketing what is love with strings attached?
- Do I have a hard time receiving a gift because I have inferiority issues?
I love how kids receive gifts. They don't begin thinking of what they have to give to 'return' the gift. They simply rip a gift open and begin playing with it. How do you receive gifts? How do you receive love?