Matt 25
I love how Jesus never leaves a single stone unturned, or any loop holes for us to slip through then say, “ If I only understood what Jesus was really meaning.” My post from yesterday could be read again with the addition of the following thoughts.
The parable of the virgins adds the warning that we must be ready for the bridegroom ,and while we're waiting don’t become complacent or fall asleep. During the time of waiting, Jesus is telling us to use what we have wisely. In verse 14-30 the following parable of the talents enforces this truth.
Finally, in case I didn’t quite understand, verse 31-46 explains what is going to happen when Jesus takes His position on the throne in all His glory. There is the great separation that will take place, when we will be judged for what we did and didn't do. Our hearts will be checked under God’s microscope, what we have done will also be judged, because what I do gives much insight to what is inside.
I am understanding that all things are not equal, just because I am present for an exam doesn't give me a automatic pass. Jesus is not making me feel comfortable as I read this.
My prayer Lord, is that as I walk from day to day, that I get it right and meet Your requirement for me. Amen
Paul D.M Johnson