
Sierra Prieta - Day 2 - from Marcie Doe

Today we ventured to Sierra Prieta in the morning. This is the community that MMCC will partner with through FH. Once we got out of the town of Santo Domingo the drive changed drastically. It was green countryside, trees with huge leaves, hills... beautiful. We even passed a Phillies and Mariners "training center". The boys liked that.

We met with the leaders of the community in the school as soon as we got there. So many people showed up. They are so excited to get a partnership started through FH. The school building is for primary grades (through 4th). Many children stop attending after that because it's a 2 KM walk to the 5-8 grade and high schools. They are desperate for a school that can hold the 5-8th grades and eventually a high school. The government will provide teachers if they have a school building. Several of the community leaders were 16 year old boys. One of them spoke up right away about the need for a high school. It's encouraging to see the youth so involved and actually setting an example here. They also have two small churches in the community. Sierra Prieta has about 500 kids... approx. 300 families .

After the meeting we each got the chance to meet our sponsor children.

We're off to Pizza Hut for dinner in Santo Domingo :).


  1. I know a guy...in fact a couple of guys who are really good with power tools and no longer afraid of heights, I'm good at carrying things and I can hammer with the best of them...let's build a school! Blessings to all of you.

  2. Matt and Team: Great to hear about the details of your visit. God bless you all. Looking forward to hearing more on Sunday! Safe travel home! An extra measure of Grace and Peace to you all!

  3. And if you need someone to put together shutters, Julie O. is your person!!! Did you all hear that Patrick in Jamaica accepted the Lord this week??? MMCC is making a difference.
    Thanks Marcie for your great blogs, and Matt for your leadership. You all have been on my mind and I love knowing how things are going and seeing the wonderful pictures.
    The "do" part of "read & do" is so much fun!!!! We can't wait to get going with this ministry.
    Blessings to all of you and have a great trip home!
