

Today we start a new book, II Corinthians, which comes after I Corinthians if you were having trouble finding it. In II Corinthians we will find an emotional author in the Apostle Paul.

In Philippians he is joyful, and Galatians he is angry, Philemon he is compassionate. In this letter Paul is in deep sorrow from a great suffering he has endured. And it is from this great suffering that he speaks of comfort to others who suffer.

Check out how many times he uses the word comfort in verses 3-7. Do you see a theme?

Paul also makes a connection between the suffering and the resurrection of Christ with our own story (vs. 5-7) Christ’s body was broken and his blood poured out to bring new life to humanity. And now, as the church, we are the body of Christ on earth. This is central to Paul’s theology. II Corinthians returns to this pattern again and again. In chapter 4 he expounds on this idea of death and new life, suffering and comfort, and it is truly good news…

1 comment:

  1. I love that comfort passage, too. Troubles and pain that seems pointless to me are intolerable. Knowing God will use it for me to be a blessing to others gives me great strength and endurance. v 5 was very encouraging to me today. "You can be sure that the more we suffer for Christ, the more God will shower us with His comfort through Christ." The more the trouble; the more the comfort. That's comforting.
